For employees of licensing agencies
How to get a job at the Licensing Agency?
First of all, you need to learn the skill "Licensing".
After that, you can go to the vacancies section and see who is currently looking for employees.
You may also receive a personal job invitation. At that moment, you will receive a notification. Personal invitations are valid for only 24 hours, so don’t miss the opportunity. The list of invitations can be found in this section (if you receive an invitation, this item in the menu will light up).
Execution of work
When you get hired by a company, notifications will start appearing in the work tab.
Work involves speeding up the issuance of licenses; click the "Accelerate" button next to each available client to maximize the license production speed.
If a number appears on the "Work" button, it means you have work to do and it's time to complete it.
Once the license is issued, you need to give it to the client without waiting for them to arrive, to free up the workstation.
Each task requires a certain amount of energy (indicated before each task execution). If you don't have enough energy, you won't be able to complete the task.
Additionally, you will gain experience for the "Licensing" skill, thereby increasing its level.
The higher the "Licensing" skill level, the greater the acceleration in license production and the lower the energy requirements.
For each level, you gain a 10% increase in acceleration and reduce energy consumption.
Extending the lifespan of a license
Each license is initially issued for a period of 30 days.
To extend the license duration, Crystals— a special company account—are required.
You can increase this duration by clicking the "Upgrade" button, which will consume a certain number of crystals. Each click increases the duration by 10 days.
Use your crystals wisely!