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Mining companies

Mining companies are quite similar to taxi parks in many ways, but even more profitable!

- You can hire your own bulldozers and send them to extract valuable resources — iron, silver, gold, platinum, and palladium.
— You will gain access to a warehouse for storing extracted valuable resources.
— You can post job vacancies on the labor market and hire other employees with bulldozers.
— You will receive a personal office for the company with a corporate meeting room.
— You will have the ability to sell valuable resources from the warehouse on the exchange, withdraw the earned funds, or pay them to the employees' passenger accounts.
— The company's account will be credited with 2,000,000, necessary for conducting operations on the exchange.
— You will have the opportunity to participate in contests with cash prizes among mining companies.
— You can name your company and upload a logo.

Time in the game: 23:12