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Team Orders are special orders where the price is dozens of times higher than that of regular orders! Get ahead of the competition and compete for an incredible jackpot!

How to take a team order?

When a team order becomes available in the game, it appears on your cars page.

To successfully complete a team order, you need exactly the number of taxis indicated by the round buttons with a car and a plus sign in the block. All these taxis must be employed by the same taxi park.

To join a team order, click on one of the available round buttons on the page of the taxi you want to send for the order. After clicking, the button will be replaced with an image of your taxi, and the car will be recorded as a contender for the order. Once all the vacancies for the team order are filled, the execution will begin.

Only one team of players will complete the order—the one that manages to gather the required number of taxis faster than the competitors. Other taxi parks will have to wait for the next team order to appear.

Which taxis can I order?

The required type of taxi is specified in the team order block. A list of cars suitable for the order is displayed in the lower right corner.

It is not necessary for these taxis to be operated by different players. You can send 5 of your own taxis of the specified type for the team order.

Where does the reward go in case of successful completion of a team order?

In case of successful completion of a team order, the corresponding amount is credited to the account of the taxi fleet whose players completed the order.

At the time of payroll, these players will receive a share of the team order value in their passenger accounts (in accordance with the salary percentage set for them in the taxi fleet).

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Time in the game: 03:44