For employees
How to get a job in a Recycling Company and make money from it?
Study the skills of recyclers and smelters on the profile page. This is a mandatory requirement for employment in any Recycling Company.
To view active job vacancies in Recycling Companies, click the button “Open Vacancies” in the "Recycling Companies" block on the “Jobs” tab. Choose the most interesting offer that you qualify for and click the “Respond” button.
If there are no active vacancies, try negotiating work with the owners of Recycling Companies through personal messages. Alternatively, you can open your own Recycling Company and earn many times more!
After receiving confirmation from the company owner, you will be able to work in the Recycling Company. To do this, go to the Recycling Company using the “Jobs” tab.
Click the “Work” button in the recycling workspaces to carry out the recycling process of the clients' equipment in the Recycling Company.
Click the “Smelt” button to carry out the smelting process of the company’s resources into ingots.
Upgrade your skills as a recycler and smelter to reduce energy costs for this work and to increase your efficiency (your contribution to the speed of recycling/smelting) as an employee.