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Why do you need inventory?

The inventory is designed to allow you to view all your items in one place and interact with them.

What is inventory?

The inventory consists of slots where various player items are stored. These items can include:

  • Boosters
  • Lootboxes
  • Equipment (taxis and bulldozers)
  • Money
  • Crystals

All items you receive in the game are sent to the inventory. For example, if you receive a taxi as a gift for making a deposit, you will find it in the inventory.

Then, after unpacking the gift in the inventory, you will receive this taxi in your Garage.

All items in the inventory are grouped in "packs" of several pieces. The number of items in a pack is shown in the top-left corner of the slot.

How to use the inventory?

The inventory can be opened by clicking on the special icon in the bottom right corner of the page.

Speaking of boosters, you can still use them as before, that is, use them from the Garage or equipment page.

Additionally, you can use boosters from the inventory. To do this, click on the booster and then select the equipment to which you want to apply it.

All purchased loot boxes can only be opened from the inventory.

All items in the inventory can (and sometimes need to!) be deleted. To do this, simply click on the special "trash can" icon on the item image.

Then just select the quantity of the item you want to permanently delete.

After clicking the "Delete" button, the item will disappear, and there will be more space in the inventory!

What is a backpack?

The backpack is needed to store items that do not fit in the inventory.

If your inventory is full, don't worry! All items you receive will be carefully placed in the Backpack.

☝️IMPORTANT! If your inventory is full, you will not be able to take orders. Therefore, you need to monitor the capacity of your inventory and delete items you don't need.

How to use a backpack?

Simply click on the item you are interested in.

Then click on the "Move" button and select the quantity of the item you want to move to the inventory!

CRYPTO GEAR - играй без вложений! Играй через приложение в Телеграмме! 100% надёжность!
CRYPTO GEAR - играй без вложений! Автовыплаты, задания, развитие до 200 уровней! Начинай!
Time in the game: 04:16